Example Workshops
No matter your industry, history education can provide powerful context to the challenges and team culture at your organization. Read on for sample workshop descriptions, and contact us today to tailor a workshop specifically for your team’s needs.
Medical Segregation in America
This session will outline America’s divided health care system which provides a disparity in care along racial lines. We will examine the ways in which the evolution of modern medicine since the Civil War has created an inequitable system of resources, harmful testing, and lower life expectancy for Black and indigenous Americans.
Often brought to healthcare-oriented spaces for building historical awareness
Racism and Money (1877-Present)
This session will explore the creation of the racial wealth gap in America, the systems in our society that compound these inequities today, and what steps can be taken today to dismantle the gap and create equitable access to wealth for Black Americans.
Often brought to finance-oriented spaces for building historical awareness
The History of Voter Suppression (1877-Present)
In this session, we’ll examine implementations of voter suppression since Reconstruction and the steps we need to take today to give full enfranchisement to all Americans.
Often brought to municipal and election-oriented spaces for building historical awareness
Enslavement and Higher Education (1636-1865)
This session will unpack the ties between higher education institutions and slavery. We will also explore and gain inspiration from student movements for reparations across the country.
Often brought to academic-oriented spaces for building historical awareness

We lead interactive, discussion-based workshops on all facets of U.S. History, as well as proactive learning sessions in anti-racism and effective communication strategy. These offerings include but are not limited to:
Before Stonewall: LGBTQIA+ History
APIA Hate: The Causes and Consequences
Raising Anti-Racist Children
How to Talk to your Family about Racism